7d015c6ef32327f9427d1865da7156c5152d4e4c medium MartyS still the partyanimal wants to trade:


Value: $0.34

Any knife
Any key
Any offers

Value: $0.00




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09.04.2017 16:47




MartyS still the partyanimal attached a note:

★ Hello and welcome to my trade 

If you just could take a minute and kindly read this info to make trading more pleasant for both of us.

★ Please send me an steam offer.
I'm only looking to trade my items.
★ I'm only interested CS:GO skins. I have no interest for dota2, tf2 or any other game items. 
★ I ask you not to lowball me. We both know the prices and lowballing will only waste both of our time.
★ As this is my trade I am expecting you to make the offers.
★ Please don't add me and ask me to make you an offer. 
★ I'm not interested in stickers and will not pay extra for them.
★ In most cases I am not interested that much on the float value.

I do have some keys to make the prices match in the offer.

Thank you for your time and good luck for trading! :)

Message edits: 10. Last edit: May 29, 2017 22:43

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    Last updated almost 7 years ago

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Trade owner is not interested in this offer.
for your case hardened??
Only items were attached to this reply.
For Any of those
Yo man another redline for the cashardenend with good flood ?


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