Carbon Khaos
wants to trade:
Value: $1.31
Value: $1.51
Estimated Offers
User Views
27.10.2016 02:53
Trading these two lovely knives for a Flip KNife Doppler P2 or P4 (P2 preferred) If you have either, I'm open to negotiation as well. If you're offering something else, I'm probably not interested but leave your offer for these two knives and if I don't reply within 24 hours or delete it, I don't want your offer. Do not just add me without making an offer. I am not selling each knife separately, and no I do not want any more gut knives.
If we agree on a trade, we will trade via steam trade knife for knife. Do not offer something that is not in your inventory on the account you are trading me at the current time of offering, I will not accept you buying something on the trade house LATER. I will NOT accept trading your "friends" one item to hold on either. Find the reddit "commonscams" page for steam trading. Read it. Understand it. Understand that I know every scam on that page. Know that I will not fall for any of those scams.
Lets make a deal!
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Last updated almost 9 years ago
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