wants to trade:
Value: $2.11
Value: $0.00
Estimated Offers
User Views
08.01.2017 10:25
Quickbuying- Good knifes and Good Offer are appreciated!
Offer me something - Keys are prefered!
Overpay in Items, when you wanna buy with Items
I only do quick buys, trading my CS:GO Keys to quick sellers!
The value will be 70% to 80% of Market Value.
I will offer 85% for skins that are of high value and for myself to keep and use.
Price in Keys or XX% depends on the skin popularity, exterior and float.
Comment here or on my Steam profile. Don't add me without leaving a comment on my Steam profile!
Just send me a Trade Offer and I may or may not accept it.
Send Steam Offer to this user.
If I do not accept the trade, but want the skin, I will send you a Counter-Offer. (Only at buying)
If we cannot come to accept each other's offers, only then, may you add me to discuss over the trade.
SteamRep Profile Status
Last updated about 8 years ago
to update data.
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