867dcab931ed61530f965328409678d3f98789ec medium SAC0 wants to trade:


Value: $1.49

Any knife

Value: $0.00




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User Views

13.03.2019 20:45




SAC0 attached a note:

offer from steam dont lowball NİCE BLUE PATTERN AT THE FRONT

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    Last updated about 5 years ago

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it says the value is 148.55$ so i can pay that in full if it costs more so be it ill add i really just need a knife ill go first
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Trade owner is not interested in this offer.
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Trade owner is not interested in this offer.
Hey I'm willing to buy via paypal, I'll overpay some and I'll pay first add me on steam if you're interested
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i would like to buy the knife of you
hey dude im looking for buying your skin, check my profile and add me if you are interested ❤
hey dude im looking for buying your skin, check my profile and add me if you are interested ❤


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