wants to trade:
Value: $0.57
Value: $0.00
Estimated Offers
User Views
06.01.2021 21:54
Before sending me an offer, please read the following points to keep in mind
- I do not overpay for skins with rare stickers, I just look at the steam market price
- downgrade = overpay
- Do not leave comments with your weapons in the publication of this page since I don't usually enter the page to read them
- Simply send your exchange offer and I will see if I am interested or not, or I will send you a counter offer
- if you want to ask something, send me an offer with your question before adding me on steam
- If you want to pay me with csgo cases, you will have to give me a lot of overpay, otherwise I will not be interested
- I'm not interested in paying overpay for knifes with weird patterns like Maradona's face on the pattern of her knife
-I am not interested in paying overpay for your skins with rare floats, you can already have a skin with the rarest float in the world with negative float and I will not be interested
send me tradeoffer
SteamRep Profile Status
Last updated about 4 years ago
to update data.