wants to trade:
Value: $0.00
Value: $2.00
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28.08.2015 11:31
Trading outside Steam for real money or Steam gifts is dangerous and inexperienced traders can get easily scammed.
You can use SkinBaron.com for a safe and secure market to buy and sell items.>
Buying ST Doppler Flip Knife FN For £100 PayPal ($150)
- You must trade first (I know how stupid it sounds but let's be honest I don't want a trade ban + you want money)
- When you trade offer me, put your paypal email into your offer so I can transfer the money straight away (I will cover fees)
- No alternatives to this, no middlemen, just a 1:1 trade
- Once you give me your email, money will be transferred to there, check its 100% correct because I am not responsible for typos.
How can you trust me?
- This Steam account is my main account, with everything I have on it, I don't wanna lose that.
- I have traded a lot, it would be a shame to disappoint the both of us
- http://puu.sh/jRnXk/85f43248ec.png
^ I don't want to reveal recent payments for people's security, so there's my funds
Thanks! <3
(P.S - You can also take my Dragon Tattoo along with the funds)
Message edits: 1. Last edit: February 16, 2021 14:05
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