O.F. | Strechcougar05
wants to trade:
Value: $2.50
Value: $2.94
Estimated Offers
User Views
07.11.2015 21:52
These are my items I am offering (FAC NEW Stat Track: Gut Knife Doppler (Phase 2 *I THINK*, FAC NEW: AK-47 Vulcan, or a FIELD TESTED: Huntsman Knife Urban Masked) for these offers. THE HUNTSMAN KNIFE IS NOT TRADE-ABLE UNTIL November-12-2015
Here is how I will trade:
Gut Knife and Huntsman FOR M9 (Still not trade-able until the 12th) Gut Knife is roughly $123 and the Huntsman is roughly $65 (I will through in some other skins or two to equal the M9 which is $200)
Gut Knife and AK-47 FOR M9 | Equals over $200, but I will give AK and Knife for just the M9.
Gut Knife and any other skin in my inventory FOR Bayonet | Just the Gut Knife will be about $30 less than the bayonet -- so you can pick a skin in my inventory that will CLOSELY equal $150-$160 (A $30-$40 skin(s))
I will accept any reasonable offer for all three, two, or one of my offered skins.
If you are looking to trade and this seems complicated, Just message me and I will tell you what to trade :)
Not a scammer I promise on my inventory, life, and family. I have not traded before, but I know if you are scamming.
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