35e479c4be1ab660b685f25a7237266c0c0acfa9 medium Jool wants to trade:

x 12

Value: $0.41

Any offers

Value: $0.00




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User Views

23.02.2016 23:07




Jool attached a note:

---------------------------------------------- READ BEFORE OFFERING ---------------------------------------
Conditions before even thinking about offering :

-I am not stupid. Therefore do not try to lowball me as I will be checking the price on numerous other trades to see if it even remotely matches the price of the number of keys I have.

-The keys are currently off trade since I recently bought them. So do not bother trying to send me a trade offer trough steam because I simply cannot trade them before a week.

-I am looking to trade-up. So I am very unlikely to accept trades for equal value or regular market price because for me " Key values > Item in key value " since it is much easier to sell keys than it is to sell a skin of the same value. Keep that in mind when making an offer ( Tough there might be some expcetion if I really like the skin but it is very unlikely ).

-I am not looking to buy cheap skin in bulks. Therefore I expect HUGE overpay if you are offering skins worth less than 0.5 keys each.

-Not really looking for games offer now unless you overpay.

If you agree to these rules feel free to post an offer.

---------------------------------------------- READ BEFORE OFFERING ---------------------------------------

Message edits: 3. Last edit: March 06, 2016 15:40

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