John Doe #9oalcyhs
wants to trade:
Value: $1.75
Value: $0.00
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04.06.2016 06:12
Trading outside Steam for real money or Steam gifts is dangerous and inexperienced traders can get easily scammed.
You can use for a safe and secure market to buy and sell items.>
Hello! I am a very experienced coder looking for projects to help out on. I offer full setups for any existing code, as well as steam trading bots. I sell Jackpot scripts, roulette scripts, and coin flip scripts. If you need help with ANY aspect of your CSGO jackpot site, please shoot me a message on skype. My skype is Jonnyfookindee. I will help you with anything you need. As a new seller on Reddit, I will do anything I can to build up my reputation here, so I will offer you a lower price than anyone else, for service better than anyone else's. That's my promise. If you want to see demos or anything of that nature, that's no problem. Shoot me a message on skype and I'll show you everything :) And needless to say, I sell custom scripts. If you need some other sort of bot or website, please let me know, I take requests.
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Last updated almost 9 years ago
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