ya§ha° |
wants to trade:
Value: $0.11
Value: $0.00
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25.08.2016 12:41
Trading outside Steam for real money or Steam gifts is dangerous and inexperienced traders can get easily scammed.
You can use SkinBaron.com for a safe and secure market to buy and sell items.>
Selling keys: Only Paypal
1 key = 2.00 $
Trading Rules:
1.You go first
2.You are paying fees
3.You MUST leave note "I am purchasing virtual items in Team Fortress 2 ( or CS GO ), and will not issue a chargeback or dispute under any circumstances. I recognize that all sales are final, and not refundable."
4.You are sending money as a gift
5. Then click on the transation, the reciept page and it has a message at the top of the page to Confirm Receipt ( im sending keys after confirmation )
Click on the latest payment, and click on "see details on classic site", then click "confirm receipt " at the top.
Confirm receipt: Within the expected arrival date, please confirm if you have received the purchased merchandise. We are here to help if you have any problems with your purchase.
If you agree with trade rules add me, if not just ignore this trade.
Thanks for reading
I have 8 Years of Service !!
Member since 28 March, 2007 ( check my steam profile, my rep )
SteamRep Profile Status
Last updated over 8 years ago
to update data.