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24.04.2015 00:54
This weapon is a family heirloom. It has been passed down for generations, from father to son for over 100 years. The color comes from when my great grand father worked in a copper mine and he used some of the copper he mined and coated his favorite weapon with it and named it after his favorite fruit, orange. The peel part of the name comes after being used for some time, the color started peeling a few places. My great grandfather used it in the first World War and when he came home he gave it to his son, my grandfather. My grandfather used it in World War Two when fighting for freedom. He survived the war an he returned to his childhood sweetheart and the got married and started a family. On his deathbed, my grandfather gave it too his son, my father. For my birthday my father gave me the gun and now I'm giving it away. It has a rich history and means much to me. Please send steam offers.
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