1642e1386255ebd78a470f12625a130b09bd611b medium BILLY wants to trade:

Factory New

Value: $3.19

Any knife
Any key
Real money
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Value: $0.00




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16.10.2017 11:08





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BILLY attached a note:

C O U N T E R - S T R I K E | G L OB A L - O F F E N S I V E 

Send me nice offers.
Thank Guys :)

Dont lowball 
Downgrade = overpay

Link steam : http://steamcommunity.com/id/bibiwolfhp/inventory/
Link offfer : [url=http://steamcommunity.com/linkfilter/

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    Last updated over 4 years ago

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hey bro please i LOVE your karambit doppler can we do this ?
meh 500 euro for that better with people than on steam with someone xD
ill do $500 USD
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Only items were attached to this reply.
Ill do 370 trough pp add me
for P2. 0.008522 Float
Daggers have a 0.006 float.
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Only items were attached to this reply.


Trading outside Steam for real money or Steam gifts is dangerous and inexperienced traders can get easily scammed.

You can use SkinBaron.com for a safe and secure market to buy and sell items.