A7973b414406aa9dc434bd632d49faab97fa0d6d medium BUBBREHツ wants to trade:

Factory New

Value: $3.46

Any knife
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Value: $0.00




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29.06.2015 19:15




BUBBREHツ attached a note:

Selling a beautiful 97% Fade and .01 float Butterfly Fade!

Please do not low ball as I am in no rush to sell this knife

I most likely will not accept random adds with private backpacks, so please post-offer below.

Message edits: 7. Last edit: November 06, 2019 20:19

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Gut knife doppler almost full blue + usp orion minimal wear! Inspect the knife in my inventory and wait to see the back of the knife. It look sick ;)
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Gut knife doppler FN almost full blue for your butterfly knife fade FN
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If you were accepting cash I have $400, and that's my dream knife. I'm so jealous and sad right now. :(
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