15c937cced21bd8983da85ffc0a3c42373b70519 medium ★Sinth★ ™ wants to trade:

Minimal Wear

Value: $0.38

Any knife
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Value: $0.00




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User Views

26.08.2017 15:20




★Sinth★ ™ attached a note:

the lowest im accepting is $45

Message edits: 1. Last edit: November 28, 2017 16:59

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    Last updated about 7 years ago

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How many keys?
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for my m4a1-s, add me to trade if interested
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look at the sticker
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for my chantico, add if interested
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steam card LRNE4-LD4LH 2/3 of it add me if interested thank you for your time
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for my chantico, add if interested
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Hey! I would like to buy your Ak-47 vulcan mw via PayPal. - I will overpay - I will go first Add me on steam if interested!
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for my chantico, add if interested
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Send me offer. Add little skins too please


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