F7802405f67c6bd11f8af73efde17b8974297cc8 medium ✪ Karma wants to trade:

Minimal Wear

Value: $0.22

Any knife
Any key
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Value: $0.00




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User Views

10.12.2017 06:10

posted 7 years ago



✪ Karma attached a note:

The AWP BOOM has a 2014 Katowice Hellraiser Holo Sticker on it which is worth over $800.  Check the steam market if you don't believe me 

Message edits: 1. Last edit: February 17, 2018 10:54

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    Last updated over 7 years ago

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✪ Karma replied (7 years ago)
Can u do the Doppler for the Boom? (P.sI have to wait until December 11 to trade then I will send u an offer if all works out)
Banned Proxy replied (7 years ago)

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✪ Karma replied (7 years ago)
Can u do the Doppler for the Boom? (P.sI have to wait until December 11 to trade then I will send u an offer if all works out)
Banned sitafo replied (7 years ago)

This trade reply was hidden by a moderator.


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