04426c24188d02959402645cbf3421d2a973b28f medium ✪ IVERSON ALVAREZ wants to trade:

Minimal Wear

Value: $1.60

Any knife
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Value: $0.00




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22.04.2019 20:55




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✪ IVERSON ALVAREZ attached a note:

Looking to upgrade my Gut Knife Lore (Minimal Wear) which I got for $207.90
I have a few $5-20 items on my inventory as well, feel free to browse my inventory.
Add me on steam if you want to further discuss about this. Feel free to leave a comment on my profile but please refrain from saying "Added to trade". Please be more specific like, "Hi! I added to trade my M9 Bayonet Doppler for your Gut Knife Lore."

So I won a giveaway from a YouTuber. I got a $105 Bowie Knife | ★ (Vanilla) which I then used to trade and eventually turned it into a $207.90 Gut Knife Lore
I'm working my way up to upgrading it to a very beautiful and a much expensive knife.

If you're willing to overpay, that would be greatly appreciated.

Follow me on Twitter: @iversoncsgo
Follow me on instagram: @iversonalvarez
Follow my business: @orenda.mnl
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Message edits: 1. Last edit: April 12, 2020 04:28

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    Last updated almost 6 years ago

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If you could a bit more. I’m looking to upgrade my knife into a better one. So if it’s not a knife atleast add more value to your offer. Thank you!

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