8dcc24548ceac428cfcc872bc6cc0ee1374b841d medium ErOmak wants to trade:

Factory New

Value: $0.98

Any knife

Value: $0.00




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User Views

25.03.2020 13:48




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    Last updated about 4 years ago

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Trade owner is not interested in this offer.
Well it was going to be legit but your loss.
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Trade owner is not interested in this offer.
Well it was going to be legit but your loss.
Hah, how it's going to be legit? Find other person to scam, bye
Trade owner is not interested in this offer.
Hello bro. I live in sweden and i can't activate steam cards here so i wonder if u are intrested in to trade u knife for 100£ gift card i can send code first.
How the trading method will work then?
Trade owner is not interested in this offer.
i only want the knife i send you half the code you send me the knife then i send the rest
can i add you on steam
Ah, again scammer, nice try ;3
WTF are u dumb
Haha, bye
Hey bro, I'm looking for rare fleets, I pay more for them than you think, if you have interesting skins, then add me to friends in Steam


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