Fca6dace6fccf89e7430a727071cec77393958ea medium fsociety00.dat wants to trade:


Value: $1.62

Any knife
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Value: $0.00




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01.04.2020 21:22





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fsociety00.dat attached a note:

Feel free to offer. Can sell it via pp or btc/eth, but im not going first anyway.

Message edits: 2. Last edit: May 08, 2020 09:33

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    Last updated about 8 years ago

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i can offer a flip knife blue steel ww
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I can give you 95% steam market price via PayPal for your knife. I really need that float! Add me if you are interested. KATTEYY :3 (Dont try to scam me. I ve got years of experience with reselling skins) :)
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Only items were attached to this reply.
Trade owner is not interested in this offer.
Hiii :3 I can give you 90% steam market price via PayPal/Skrill for your Knife. I really need to get that float! Add me if you are interested. KATTEYY :3 (Dont try to scam me. ) 3:
i can offer a flip knife blue steel ww


Trading outside Steam for real money or Steam gifts is dangerous and inexperienced traders can get easily scammed.

You can use SkinBaron.com for a safe and secure market to buy and sell items.