531cbf828bd2ae5c70733e6881558163c643a935 medium Admin ferus CSGOTRADERS.NET wants to trade:


Value: $0.05

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Value: $0.00




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17.04.2020 14:45




Admin ferus CSGOTRADERS.NET attached a note:

This is a test trade for testing purposes of the system. Leave a comment and I will reply :) 
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    Last updated 4 days ago

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love the site man, you guys should figure out this capatcha site glitch because it sometime says the site doesn't exist.
Are you maybe interested M4A1-S | Blood Tiger - Titan Katowice 2014 - B/O 80euro StatTrak FAMAS | Pulse - NIP HOLO and Skull Katowice 2014 - B/O 75 euro in items AWP | BOOM - Howling Dawn B/O 80 euro in items feel free to add me
Admin in that site some scammers advertise trade-skins.net and its scam site!!! You can check it on google and! Pls ban them.
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Only items were attached to this reply.
it would be really nice if you could add "any gloves"!
I want to buy premium but no luck so far. Sent multiple emails and added on steam + sent trade offer. No luck! Any help?


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