3322e4dbf38c7dfeddcfb5edd1f76d95d6eeb29c medium Mr.G wants to trade:


Value: $4.11

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Value: $0.00




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05.05.2020 10:13

posted 5 years ago



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    Last updated almost 5 years ago

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Adam. replied (5 years ago)
I'll overpay with a steam wallet code. Add me if interested.
Banned Rich_54321 replied (5 years ago)

This trade reply was hidden by a moderator.

Adam. replied (5 years ago)
I'll overpay with a steam wallet code. Add me if interested.
大卷次子 replied (5 years ago)
Hi! I would like to trade your knife with a $450 steam wallet code. Please reply me on steam if youre interested!
Wo0lfz1 replied (5 years ago)
add me on steam so we can talk there
✪TermyCS replied (5 years ago)
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Obkins replied (5 years ago)
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LeBart replied (5 years ago)
phase 4
KINDZZZAI replied (5 years ago)
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ZΞRO CS.MONEY replied (5 years ago)
I got a Bayonet Doppler P3 FN 0.03 float. A nice greenish/blue pattern with a clean blade. If you're interested just add me on steam and we can figure out a decent deal for the both of us. Take care.


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