0ccaea40713376a37b1ae9a80e470516ba0dcf01 medium N1choo cs.money wants to trade:

Factory New

Value: $1.51

Any case
Any knife
Any key
Any offers

Value: $0.00




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User Views

15.11.2020 14:07




N1choo cs.money attached a note:

Flip Doppler Phase 2 good float 0.007 pink galaxy
I consider every offer that you send. Add me if you want to discuss about anything :)

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    Last updated over 3 years ago

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added on steam to trade, i have good offers for you. I'm open for discussion
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Hello I'm interested into buying your knife, if you want to cashout contact me...
Hi. I have Flip knife slaughter with a diamond at the handle and a heart at the tip
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Only items were attached to this reply.
I have some skins but they are tradeband untill tomorow let me know if you are intrested in one of my skins
Let me know :)
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any offer?
Add me on discord ill Paypal you thru friends and family you if interested but you have to send offer on steam then ill pay you --Gustavo To Ziomal#8018
something of this equal in price


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