E91b610de343bc164e7506485303d5dcdd144b8b medium IMBCK wants to trade:


Value: $0.60

Any knife
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Value: $0.00




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25.02.2021 09:17




IMBCK attached a note:

Everything in my inventory is up for trade !
If you would like to trade something just send steam offer, or add me to talk! :) 

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    Last updated about 1 month ago

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65$ for that knife
65$ for that knife
Only items were attached to this reply.
That knife is worth around 65$ I can offer you this and paypal you 40$, You may wonder why am I doing this. Well Putting my money straight into steam would get me 90% of my money (because of fees) so that's why I'M doing this.
That knife is worth around 65$ I can offer you this and paypal you 40$, You may wonder why am I doing this. Well Putting my money straight into steam would get me 90% of my money (because of fees) so that's why I'M doing this.
That knife is worth around 65$ I can offer you this and paypal you 40$, You may wonder why am I doing this. Well Putting my money straight into steam would get me 90% of my money (because of fees) so that's why I'M doing this.
Hello, I have an offer for you. Add me on steam. I will overpay. https://steamcommunity.com/id/peeras123/ [SKINS & MONEY]


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