73152a611c0ec5d45dfe0571054fededd0355c57 medium CrazyClown wants to trade:


Value: $0.02

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Value: $0.00




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28.07.2015 03:25




CrazyClown attached a note:

Someone intrested for some M4A1-S "Atomic Alloy"...

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those are the only three i have at the time, but i think its worth it! :)
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something else except the system lock ?
Trade owner is not interested in this offer.
those are the only three i have at the time, but i think its worth it! :)
10 minutes to decide
no man my gun worth 3 dollars at least all of your guns worth 2.80 plus minus so no man
no man my gun worth 3 dollars at least all of your guns worth 2.80 plus minus so no man
CrazyClown look on my profile. i posted a trade with skins im willing to trade and your skin was one i was looking for. Im not willing to overpay nor will lowball. I will pay $3.00~ in skins. I just dont know what skin you would like to trade......
hi, I have ft dragon king if u want aad me on seam pls
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