7a93bbc5a39cadc82075299b1b0e47c1e62adaf9 medium Elusive Strawberry wants to trade:

x 2
Factory New

Value: $2.09

Any knife
Any key
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Value: $0.00




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11.09.2015 05:46




Elusive Strawberry attached a note:

1 For 1 Only Please!

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i wnat to give you paysafe card or keys for the prize
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Trade owner is not interested in this offer.
i wnat to give you paysafe card or keys for the prize
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Trade owner is not interested in this offer.
Hello. I am offering 400$ in steam codes. I have a middle man which will be needed. Thanks and please get back to me asap. Thanks:)
steam codes
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will add a little, add me if interested

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