342a029080efc214919e8f87d522eaf0f0ca05d4 medium DTS wants to trade:

Factory New

Value: $4.42

Any knife
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Value: $0.00




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06.11.2015 19:39




DTS attached a note:

I wanna trade this knives. Open for all the offers.downgrade=overpayDo not add me~Steam offer only! Trade Link: 

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Trade owner is not interested in this offer.
hey u want a 0.00006 float skin for it?
$150 Steam wallet code! Add me to talk!
screenshot of knife in game?
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Trade owner is not interested in this offer.
hey u want a 0.00006 float skin for it?
Trade owner is not interested in this offer.
Difficult trader, sent him a trade he went offline and deleted me , not possible to disccuss a coutner trade not really sure what he's looking for, sounds like it's a lost of time to deal with this guy, Avoid at all cost -rep
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Only items were attached to this reply.
BG replied ()
check out my inv for addon


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