80561fb31e31c64f0e291c7e8f05be9752046d7e medium RüDigga! wants to trade:

Factory New

Value: $2.00

x 2
Any key

Value: $0.00




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13.12.2015 15:27




RüDigga! attached a note:

Flip knives sport a Persian-style back-swept blade with an acute point. While the point itself may be fragile, the overall design of the
flip knife's design is surprisingly durable. It has been painted with
black and silver metallic paints using a marbleizing medium, then candy
coated. Getting lost in its color can prove fatal
Phase 3, no scratches
SUPER RARE GREEN BACKSIDE (see screenshots), listening to /r/GlobalOffensiveTrade it's between 200-300 keys

- don't add me on steam
- don't send trade offers with less than I want
- I won't trade against your knife and/or other skins

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Trade owner is not interested in this offer.
Phase 4, most of it is blue, Asiimov looks very clean with good float!
Trade owner is not interested in this offer.
Phase 4, most of it is blue, Asiimov looks very clean with good float!
Trade owner is not interested in this offer.
lol odds on
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High float Case Hardened
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Only items were attached to this reply.
Pls man trade with me. Oh wait this is not actually a troll offer? ahaha that is nothing rare that is the crappy green every phase 3 has


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