C9b3db4702bf46cb64bd4b285532b0745d5edeae medium BigInJapanDan wants to trade:


Value: $1.87

Real money

Value: $0.00




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21.12.2015 11:52





Trading outside Steam for real money or Steam gifts is dangerous and inexperienced traders can get easily scammed.

You can use SkinBaron.com for a safe and secure market to buy and sell items.

BigInJapanDan attached a note:

Selling these 2 beauties for real money, paypal only. Will be selling for reasonable prices.
If you are interested leave a comment here and I will contact you if you seem trustworthy.
Anyone adding me on Steam will be ignored, since 99% of you are dirty scammers (terrible ones at that).

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Did I ask for you to spam my thread with what looks like more scam sites? No I didn't. I will contact you dickless, but don't expect me to give first.
Trade owner is not interested in this offer.

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i would love to trade with you
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Trade owner is not interested in this offer.
300$ via steam money for your knife add me on steam
Did I ask for you to spam my thread with what looks like more scam sites? No I didn't. I will contact you dickless, but don't expect me to give first.
If your price is decent , I am able to buy both skins . Add me on Steam to discuss seriously about it .
So Dickless tried to scam me, good old paysafe card trick (if anyone ever fell for that, its your own fault)... Added you muneer, you actually look like a real buyer.


Trading outside Steam for real money or Steam gifts is dangerous and inexperienced traders can get easily scammed.

You can use SkinBaron.com for a safe and secure market to buy and sell items.