22806346dba436fcf68d68e4b9a4ca0be117317a medium Harlem Shaker wants to trade:

Factory New

Value: $3.19

Any knife
Any key
Any offers

Value: $0.00




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User Views

22.12.2015 04:36

posted 9 years ago



Harlem Shaker attached a note:

Karambit Doppler P1, Fake Black Pearl

C/O: N/A
B/O: 175k

In game PS: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/389918106226133356/1814E738EC84D4697ACDE5430E25648C93A8CB34/
PS: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/389918106225792366/D5E9DB937783ECE77A94F5C66E316E32041D0211/
BS: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/389918106225792678/2699CAD72B058CAD943D583CEBB554D6557E9118/

Open to any offers

Message edits: 3. Last edit: February 23, 2016 03:07

  • SteamRep Profile Status

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Lothar replied (9 years ago)
Trade owner is not interested in this offer.
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Wiz1k replied (9 years ago)
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Phase 4 ($380-390)
Trade owner is not interested in this offer.
send me steam offer have an ST Falcion Crimson Web in MW scratches only on the blade wich makes it look pretty cool for doppler +~50€ wort Skin(s) https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=101526377&token=Pt75R7c9
175 shadow case key trade offer
Hooodini replied (9 years ago)
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dMt ¿:> replied (9 years ago)
Can add some keys, add if interested
Lothar replied (9 years ago)
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Swat replied (9 years ago)
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Trade owner is not interested in this offer.
0.014 float & 90% fade
Onkel Skrue replied (9 years ago)
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Nice Blue. Add on steam if interested.
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