53cfa0add0dfa87e7427262b3b1316e562f6b34a medium fromnewradius wants to trade:


Value: $1.54

Any knife

Value: $0.00




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User Views

21.01.2016 20:03

posted 9 years ago



fromnewradius attached a note:

Please don't add me, just send me an offerr here:

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1:1 trade don't try to do big underpay i'll reject it and you'll lose your time.
If you downgrade I can add some skins.


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★OcoeweN★ replied (9 years ago)
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Fullspeed replied (9 years ago)
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★OcoeweN★ replied (9 years ago)
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Fullspeed replied (9 years ago)
and maybe 2 more skins for your karambit
Guy Fieri replied (9 years ago)
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Happy_LoLs replied (9 years ago)
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Maciey replied (9 years ago)
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AngeL replied (9 years ago)
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Maciey replied (9 years ago)
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SqŁ replied (9 years ago)
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