54be38c13d0e7792de2af9a76c4e376766cf697a medium Allmosta_Pro wants to trade:

Factory New

Value: $1.65

Any knife
Any key
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Value: $0.00




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25.02.2016 20:13

posted 9 years ago



Allmosta_Pro attached a note:

FN 93% fade huntsman knife with full purple tip, 0.0015 float with a clean and scratch less look
looking for overpay when downgrading and 1:1 offers on knifes as i would like to make slight profit
trade link: 

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Instant_Pudding replied (9 years ago)
Trade owner is not interested in this offer.
i can do 75k
Mac ♕ replied (9 years ago)
Feel free to add me if you prefer other stuff from my inventory.
Ethan Bradberry replied (9 years ago)
OMFG that's my dream knife! Dude I have £250 steam code (I use these because they're safer then paypal). Add me on steam so we can talk details.
.Surfer replied (9 years ago)
71 Keys ?
bwz replied (9 years ago)
Sent an offer
RazeX replied (9 years ago)
Trade owner is not interested in this offer.
Only items were attached to this reply.
Instant_Pudding replied (9 years ago)
Trade owner is not interested in this offer.
i can do 75k


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