5fd244b8112ef0c81c69e3e73b28f0bf3d8b141d medium NeOz wants to trade:


Value: $0.84

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Value: $0.00




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16.07.2016 03:39

posted 9 years ago



NeOz attached a note:

If I downgrade, you overpay . Stickers and Looks = 0 value 

FV 0.22 pretty clean

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    Last updated over 8 years ago

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falchion blue steel mw with green "vote passed" name tag for the falchion crimson web
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starkGhost replied (9 years ago)
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starkGhost replied (9 years ago)
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the deagel has stickers and name tag and my dad died in hiroshima
⇒Aosa⇐ replied (9 years ago)
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falchion blue steel mw with green "vote passed" name tag for the falchion crimson web
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