sKorp CS.MONEY wants to trade:
Value: $0.89
Value: $0.00
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08.09.2016 09:42
I DONT trade anything for real life money, giftcards, paypal, bitcoin, etc...
Please dont even try to scam/hi-jack/hack me, I will find you and I will end you... :P
I do not trade any non-csgo related items, so that means I do not want any of your special collecters item for anything that I own.
I prefer 1 : 1 trades, though I am open for offer, but if I am downgrading my knife or item from the trade then, you need to OVERPAY which can be of course any csgo item.
Please dont lowball you are just gonna get rejected -.-
Send me offers here:
Send Steam Offer to this user.
And please dont ask for free items because you wont get any.
And dont add me, unless you wonna talk/play :P
If you do add me though I will be checking your steam profile, so dont make your profiles private, and I dont trade with "other accounts" or anything related to that.
other than that I wish you all gl trading :)
Message edits: 1. Last edit: January 11, 2017 01:59
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